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Insurance Services
Auto Insurance, Motorcycle Insurance, Boat Insurance, Homeowners Insurance, Condo Insurance, Renters Insurance, Manufactured Home (Mobile Home) Insurance, Stand-Alone Earthquake Insurance, Commercial Auto Insurance, Small Business Insurance, General Liability Insurance, Professional Liability, Special Event Insurance and Life Insurance (click on link in above menu).
Auto Insurance
Insure one or multiple autos. With the large list of insurance companies we will make sure to find the best fit for your needs. Once we find the best insurer, we will make sure you are getting all the discounts available to you. Here is a list of discounts available: Good Driver Discount (usually 5%-10%), Student Discount (usually 2%-5%), Anti-Theft, Anti-Lock Brakes, Multi-Car Discount (up to 20%), Multi-Policy Discount (usually 5%-10%). Some other Insurers also offer: Military Discount, Specific Job/Career Discount, College Degree Discount, Customer Loyalty Discount, and even a Discount for setting up automatic pay.
Homeowners Insurance
A homeowners insurance policy usually covers four kinds of incidents on the insured property: interior damage, exterior damage, loss or damage of personal assets/belongings, and injury that occurs while on the property. When a claim is made on any of these incidents, the homeowner will be required to pay a deductible for insurance to cover.
Renters Insurance
Renter's insurance is property insurance that provides coverage for a policyholder's belongings, liabilities and possibly living expenses in case of a loss event. Renter's insurance is available to persons renting or subletting a single family home, apartment, duplex, condo, studio, townhome. The policy protects against losses to the tenant's personal property within the rented property. In addition, a renter's insurance policy protects against losses resulting from liability claims, such as injuries occurring on the premises that are not due to a structural problem with the property. Rates start as low as $12 per month.
Motorcycle Insurance
Just like auto the top five coverage options are the same, but can have other types of coverage that accessory coverage, bike towing coverage, personal property, and personal equipment coverage. Liability insurance can be as LOW as $100 per year. Give us a call or send us a message on our Contact Us page if you have specific questions.
Commercial Auto Insurance
Just like a personal insurance policy, Commercial auto insurance protects small businesses when their vehicles are involved in a collision or are stolen, vandalized, or damaged. Commercial auto insurance, also known as commercial vehicle insurance, only covers business-owned vehicles. It does not cover personal vehicles used for business purposes, unless that's their primary use. You need commercial auto insurance if your business owns vehicles and uses them to: travel to and from job sites, transport tools/equipment used for the business, and transport employees/clients. Commercial auto insurance can be inexpensive for a small business. The factors that can affect the cost is usually the level of the risk involved, such as: business type, number of vehicles covered, type of vehicles and its values, the driving records, where and how much you drive, and the types of coverage requested. Reach out to us on our Contact Us Page so we can help tailor your Commercial Insurance.
General Liability
General Liability Insurance (GLI), also known as commercial general liability (CGL) insurance, can help protect your business if someone sues you for causing property damage or bodily injury.Commercial general liability insurance is one of the most important coverages you can buy for your business. That’s because a liability claim can be devastating to your business. If you don't have the money to cover a claim, you may have to close your business.
Small Business Insurance
A Business Owner’s Policy (BOP) combines business property and business liability insurance into one business insurance policy. BOP insurance helps cover your business from claims resulting from things like fire, theft or other covered disasters. Business owners insurance also helps cover claims that could arise from your business’s operation and these include claims of bodily injury or property damage. They also include claims related to personal and advertising injury.A BOP Policy is great because it can be custom-made to fit industry specific businesses. This means it’s great for businesses of any size especially small businesses with specialized coverage.
Special Event Insurance
Are you throwing a holiday party, wedding, fundraiser, trade show, etc.? When you’re throwing a party or hosting an event, getting sued is probably the furthest thing from your mind. If you've ever hosted a major event, you know that countless things can go wrong – and that the host of the party is legally responsible when they do. But when you carry special event insurance, you don’t have to worry about these “what ifs.” Your coverage pays for your liabilities so you don’t have to. Depending on the size and type of event, whether it will include liquor or not, the cost can start around $250 and up.